

Theorical and Practical review of reverberation formule for rooms with non-homogeneous absorption distribution.
Ivana Rossell.
Forum Acusticum 2002

Influencia de la difusión en la simulación acústica de un recinto
Martí, Josep & Rossell, Ivana
Tecniacústica 2014

Reverberation time in rooms with non-diffuse sound field.
Ivana Rossell, Pere Artís.
ISRA 2007, International Symposium on Room Acoustics

The Tramontana Organ.
Ivana Rossell
ISMA 2007, International Symposium on Musical Acoustics

Studies on Helmholtz Resonators with short neck and variable geometry.
Ivana Rossell, Sergi Soler
Euronoise 2006

Estudios sobre el fenómeno de anecoicidad en espacio reverberante.
Ferran Magret Domingo, Ivana Rossell Turull, Higni Arau Puchades
Tecniacústica 2005 – Encuentro Ibérico de Acústica – EAA Symposium

Design of a 3D Sound system based on HRTF.
Ivana Rossell
International Workshop on Digital Audio Effects 1998

Ivana Rossell.

Technical Telecommunications Engineer in Sound and Image (1997), La Salle BCN, URL.
Electronic Engineer (specialized on Acoustics) (1999), La Salle BCN, URL.
Diploma in Advanced Studies (2007), La Salle BCN, URL.


Director and teacher of the Master in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics, at La Salle URL, since 2004.

Acoustic teacher in the Master of Sound at Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC).

Acoustic consultant

Since 2007 we have been providing consulting or acoustic engineering services.
We are specialized in:

· Acoustic design of spaces: Multipurpose rooms, theaters, auditoriums.
· Acoustic design of sound studios
· Acoustic projects in construction:
· Acoustic impact project of activities
· Tailor-made courses for companies, educational centers or any type of entity


· Director and teacher of the Master in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics, at La Salle URL, since 2004.
· Acoustic teacher in the Master of Sound at Escola Superior de Cinema i Audiovisuals de Catalunya (ESCAC).
· Collaborations as an acoustics teacher in different Masters and Degrees.

Pau Antúnez.

Industrial Engineer (2015), Universitat de Girona.
Master in Architectural and Environmental Acoustics (2018), La Salle BCN, URL.

Acoustical Engineer at Ivana Rossell – Acústica since 2018.
Acoustic and electroacoustic teacher of Grau Superior en Tècnic de So d’Espectacles i Audiovisuals at Escola Tècnica de l'Espectacle Casa de la Música since 2015.
Electroacoustic Engineer at Aplicacions Audiovisuals from 2015 to 2018.
Member of Col·legi d’Enginyers Industrials.

1r Cycle of Diplôme d’Études Musicales, Trumpet Jazz Specialization (2017), Conservatoire à Rayonnement Régional Perpignan.
Professional Degree on Trumpet (2009), Conservatori de Música de Girona Isaac Albèniz.